Saturday, September 07, 2024

Hall's Account of the Christening of Princess Elizabeth, September 10, 1533. [Modernized spelling]

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The following is an account of the Christening of Princess Elizabeth in Hall's Chronicle compiled from various sources by Edward Hall. We have previously posted an article featuring the description by John Stowe, in his own famous chronicle, which was taken largely from Hall's compilation. There are enough differences, however, to justify presenting Hall's description, as well.

The 7th day of September being Sunday, between three and four of the Clock at afternoon, the Queen was delivered of a fair Lady, which day the Duke of Norfolk came home to the christening, & for the Queens deliverance, Te deum was sung incontinently, & great preparation was made for the christening: and the Mayor and his brethren, and 40 of the chief of the citizens, were commanded to be at the Christening, the Wednesday following, upon which day the Mayor, sir Stephen Pecocke, in a gown of Crimson Velvet, with his collar of S. S.

and all the Aldermen in Scarlet, with collers and chains, and all the council of the city with them, took their barge after diner, at one of the clock, and the citizen had another barge, and so rowed to Greenwich, where were many lords, knights, and gentlemen assembled. All the walls between the Kings place and the Friars, were hanged with Arras, and all the way strewed with green Rushes the Friars Church was also hanged with Arras. The Font was of silver, and stood in the midst of the Church, three steps high, which was covered with a fine cloth, and diverse gentlemen with aprons, and towels about their necks, gave attendance about it, that no filth should come in the Fount, over it hung a square Canape of crimson Satin, fringed with gold, about it was a rail covered with red say: between the choir and: the body of the Church, was a close place with a pan of fire, to make the child ready in: when all these things were ordered, the child was brought to the hall, and then every man set forward: First the citizens two and two, then gentlemen, Esquiers and chaplains, next after them the Aldermen, and the Mayor alone: next the Mayor, the king's council, the king's Chapel in copes: then Barons, Bishops, Earls, then came the Earl of Essex, bearing the covered Basins gilt, after him the Marques of Exeter with the taper of virgin wax, next him the Marques Dorset, bearing the salt, behind him the lady Mary

of Norfolk, bearing the chrisom which was very riche of perle & stone, the old Duches of Norfolk bore the child, in a Mantel of purple velvet, with a long train furred with Ermine. The duke of Norfolk, with his Marshall rod, went on the right hand of the said duchess, & the duke of Suffolk on the left hand, and before them went the officers of arms: the countess of Kent bore the long train of the child's mantel, and between the Countess of Kent and the child, went th' earl of Wilshire on the right hand, and th' earl of Derby on the left hand, supporting the said train: in the midst over the said child was borne a Canopy, by the lord Rocheford, the lord Huse, the lord William Howard, and by the lord Thomas Howard the elder, after the child followed many ladies, and gentlewomen, when the child was come to the church door, the bishop of London met it with diverse bishops and Abbots mitered, and began the observances of the Sacrament. The Godfather was the lord Archbishop of Canterbury: the Godmothers were the old Duchess of Norfolk, and the old Marchioness of Dorset widows, and the child was named Elizabeth: and after that all thing was done, at the church door the child was brought to the Fount, and christened, and this done, Garter chief king of arms cried aloud, God of his infinite goodness, send prosperous life and long, to the high and mighty Princess of England Elizabeth: and then the trumpets blew, then the child was brought up to the altar, and the Gospel said over it: and after that immediately the Archbishop of Canterbury confirmed it, the Marchioness of Exeter being Godmother, then the Archbishop of Canterbury, gave to the Princess a standing cup of gold: the Duchess of Norfolk, gave to her a standing cup of gold, fretted with pearl: the Marchioness of Dorset gave three gilt bowls, pounced with a cover: and the Marchioness

of Exeter, gave three standing bowls graven, all gilt with a cover. Then was brought in Wafers, Comfits, Hypocras in such plenty, that every man had asmuche, as he would desire. Then they set forwards, the trumpets going before in the same order, toward the king's palace, as they did when they came thither-ward, saying that the gifts that the Godfather, and the Godmother's gave, were born before the child by four persons, that is to say: First sir John Dudley, bare the gift of the Lady of Exeter: the lord Thomas Howard the younger, bare the gift of the lady of Dorset: the lord Fitzwater, bare the gift of the Lady of Norfolk, and the Earl of Worcester, bare the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and all the one side as they went, was full of staff Torches, to the number of five hundred, born by the guard and other of the king's servants, and about the child were borne, many other proper torches borne by gentlemen: and in this order they brought the princess, to the Queen's chamber, & the Mayor & the Aldermen tarried there a while, and at the last the Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk came out from the King, thanking them heartily, & said the king commanded them to give them thanks in his name: and from thence they were had to the cellar to drink, and so went to their Barges.

Source: Hall, Edward. Hall's Chronicle (1548, 1809). 805-6.

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