Saturday, July 06, 2024

Source Texts: The Patent of the Earl of Leicester as “governor and generall capteine over all the united provinces”.








THE generall states of the United provinces of the low countries, to all those which shall see or heare these present writings, health and dilection. Even as it hath pleased hir majestie of England mercifullie to send over into these countries the high and mightie prince and lord, lord Robert earle of Leicester, baron of Denbigh, and one of the privie councell, knight of the nobIe order of the garter, and not onlie to admit and institute his excellence as cheefe head above all militarie souldiers on horse or foote, which hir maiestie hath sent or shall send over hereafter into these countries; and to the end to assist us with counsell, aid and advise, according to his great experience, policie and wisedome in the direction of publike affaires of the land, as well touching the feates of warre, as other waies, in conservation of all that which most tendeth to the profit of the aforesaid land, to bring baeke and reduce the same into such good order and rule as it hath bene in times past, to the end that so much the better and orderlie he maie resist the force and tyrannie of our enimies, and to frustrate all his practises: but also besides this to honor and inrich his foresaid excellencie with greater authoritie, might and commandement, above all hir maiesties admerals and viceadmerals, and ships of war, to command them all, and to emploie them to the service of these countries, and in such order as his excellencie shall find needfull for the same countrie; and that his excellencie following hir majesties commandement, desirous to shew the effect of the good will and affection which he beareth to these affairs, and to the preservation of the same, and also of the true christian religion, and hath imploied himselfe so willinglie in the foresaid matters, that his excellencie for that onlie cause hath left and abandoned his native countrie and goods, and transported himselfe hitherward amongst us: so that hir majestie and his excellencie could never have doone or shewed unto us a greater benefit than this.

Therefore are we resolved, with good and ripe deliberation, to certifie all men by these presents, that we have desired, accepted, and authorised the foresaid mightie and honorable prince, lord Robert earle of Leicester, &c: to be our governor and generall capteine over all the united provinces, and associat cities and members of the same. And we give unto his excellencie, besides the authoritie of hir majestie given unto him, the highest and supreame commandement, and absolute authoritie above, and in all matters of warfare by sea and by land, to execute and administrat the same to the resistance of the enimie, even as his excellencie shall thinke most commodious to the preseruation of those countries: and so further, to doo all such things as apperteine to the office of a generall capteine. And furthermore, we commit the administration and use of policie and justice over the foresaid united provinces, and associat cities and members of the same into his hands, to execute and administrat the same with such power and authoritie, as have had in times past all the other governors of these low countries before him; and especiallie, as have been exercised, and lawfullie administred in the time of Charles the fift; reserved onelie the lawes and privileges of the foresaid countries: also with especiall power to collect profits, and receive, and administrat all the contributions which are agreed and condescended, or shall hereafter be consented or agreed, to the maintenance of the warres: and also, that which is or shall be delivered hereafter into his excellencies hands; and this all according to the vertue of other letters and missives written more at large touching the same agreement. All which former charge and commission, his excellencie through our earnest desire hath accepted, and hath delivered solemne oth and assurance into our hands, first of all, for the preservation of the true christian religion, and maintenance of the privileges and rights of these lands and provinces, members, and cities of the same.

We therefore ordeine and command all governors of provinces and cities, all admerals and viceadmerals, all officers, coroners, capteins, their officers and souldiors by sea and land, and furthermore all other councellors, officers, treasurers, receivers, bailiffs, burgomaisters, marshals, magistrats, gentlemen, burgers, and other inhabitants and Subjects of these lands, of what qualitie or condition soever; that they and evene or them doo acknowledge his foresaid excellencie in the qualitie or governement, and capteine generall over the foresaid united provinces, to honor respect, and obeie him as they ought to doo, without making anie difficultie in dooing the same, upon paine of falling in the displeasure and anger of his excellencie, and to be punished according to the hevines ot the fault, and as reason shall require. And to the end that no bodie should pretend ignorance, wc command expresselie to make knowne these ordinances, to proclaime and publish them, where as men are accustomed to proclame all publications, proceeding, and commanding to proceed with against all disdainors and neglectors of the same, according to the order of punishment before mentioned, without anie favour or dissimulation to the contrarie because we have thought the same to be expedient for the preservation of the countrie.

Given in our congregation and assemblie in the Hage, the sixt daie of Februarie, 1586, by ordinance of the foresaid generall states.

Source: Holinshed, Raphael. Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1587, 1808). IV.648-9.

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