Saturday, September 19, 2020


I have not seene her Highnesse, save twice, since Easter last, bothe of which times she spake vehementlye and with great wrathe of her servante, the Ladie Marie Howarde, forasmuche as she had refused to bear her mantle at the hour her Highnesse is wontede to air in the garden, and on small rebuke did vent suche unseemlie answer as did breede much choler in her mistresse. Again, on other occasion, she was not ready to carry the cup of grace during the dinner in the privie-chamber, nor was she attending at the hour of her Majesties going to prayer. All whiche dothe now so disquiet her Highnesse, that she swore she would no more shew her any countenance, but out with all such ungracious flouting wenches; because, forsoothe, she hathe much favour and marks of love from the younge earl, which is not so pleasing to the Queene, who dothe still muche exhort all her women to remaine in virgin state as muche as may be.

Mr. Fenton to John Harington, Esq. at Bathe. 1597.

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